How can I save water in the Spring?

When we “Spring Forward” with longer days and some high winds, there are also changes happening in your pipes.

  • Thawing of water lines: Spring means finding, fixing, and preventing water leaks in and around your home.
  • Think xeriscape: Use native drought-resistant plants and rock gardens.
  • Run-off from watering: Dig basins around individual plants to prevent the run-off while watering.
  • Tree mulch: Put a layer of mulch around trees and plants to slow the moisture evaporation.
  • Weeds: Pull weeds that steal water from desirable plants.
  • Watering schedule: During the month of March, water once per week. During April and May, water twice per week. Water early morning or late afternoon to prevent evaporation.
  • Inclement weather: Don’t water when it is raining or windy.
  • Inspection: Walk around your property once per week to look for spongy or mushy ground where broken pipes might be hidden.
  • Sprinklers: Check sprinklers for jammed or malfunctioning heads. Use accurate, efficient sprinkler or drip irrigation systems instead of hand watering.
  • Meter read schedule: Check your bill for the next date the meter is to be read.